Worksop Dolphins celebrate swim school award

Worksop Dolphins are celebrating after their swim school won an Education and Training award.

The award was given by Corporate Vision, Education and Training Awards, with the Swim School selected as winner by a panel of four.

Children four years and above are taught at the swim school by Bailey Hurt and other swimming teachers, with the numbers increasing each week.

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The swim school success is even sweeter with it currently being in its first year.

Worksop Dolphins had to forward names of four people to Swim England, this was so they could be recognised by the ruling body as volunteers who have gone the extra mile to keep the club ticking over during Covid.

The names put forward were Adrian Gillott, Gillian Lee (not pictured), Julie Cooke and Elizabeth Venners.

Swim England thank you badges were presented to them on Saturday prior to the Level X swimming gala.