There are lots of chances to enjoy some ice skating this Christmas throughout Notts. Old Market Square’s Winter Wonderland will once again host a sky skating rink, the National Ice Centre will be hosting a range of themed skates too including, a festive character skate, a princess and superhero party, and their Christmas Holiday Club.There are lots of chances to enjoy some ice skating this Christmas throughout Notts. Old Market Square’s Winter Wonderland will once again host a sky skating rink, the National Ice Centre will be hosting a range of themed skates too including, a festive character skate, a princess and superhero party, and their Christmas Holiday Club.
There are lots of chances to enjoy some ice skating this Christmas throughout Notts. Old Market Square’s Winter Wonderland will once again host a sky skating rink, the National Ice Centre will be hosting a range of themed skates too including, a festive character skate, a princess and superhero party, and their Christmas Holiday Club.

Photos: 10 things to do in Nottinghamshire this Christmas

Thanks to the county’s Tourism Board – here are 10 things to do in Nottinghamshire over the Christmas period.

Nottingham’s Winter Wonderland is a firm favourite at Christmas.

But there are plenty of other events to keep you entertained over the festive period.

From pantomimes, and Christmas markets – to festive forests, seasonal walks, and winter wonderland…

Here are 10 things to do in Nottinghamshire, courtesy of Visit Nottinghamshire.

From pantomimes, and Christmas markets – to festive forests, seasonal walks, and winter wonderland…