Please help us catch asbestos fly-tipping idiots

Coun Simon Greaves, Bassetlaw Council leaderCoun Simon Greaves, Bassetlaw Council leader
Coun Simon Greaves, Bassetlaw Council leader
Fly-tipping has always been a serious and emotive issue, but I was horrified when I learnt about the numerous bags of asbestos that had been dumped along a four-mile stretch of road just outside Worksop, writes Coun Simon Greaves.

Because of the type of materials involved, the council was instructed by the Health and Safety Executive to close a section of Ollerton Road last Friday in order to prevent road users, pedestrians and residents from coming into contact with the asbestos and to protect the public’s health.

Historically, different types of asbestos have been used in building materials up to the year 2000 and it is believed this waste has been removed from an industrial site.

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This was a particularly dangerous form of asbestos and due to the potentially harmful fibres that asbestos contains, the removal of materials like this must be carried out by an approved company with stringent safety measures in place.

Work to remove the asbestos started early on Wednesday morning but it is an extremely complex operation which has already taken many hours of specialist work.

It will also cost the taxpayer thousands of pounds.

The council apologises to local residents and businesses who live along this stretch of road and to the commuters who have had their daily journeys disrupted by this road closure for up to a week.

However, the first priority has always been to protect the health of the public and because the road closure has been in place, the risk to the public has been minimal.

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I am also appealing for any information the public may have about this incident.

The idiots responsible for this have put people’s health and the environment at great risk and I am extremely keen for their irresponsible actions to be dealt with by the courts.

If you have any information, please contact the environmental health team on 01909 533533.