Reader’s Letter: Logical to vote UKIP Standard
Picture shws ontroversial UKIP leader Nigel Farage shows appearing to show his allegiance to Margaret Thatcher when hevisited Gainsborough town centre for a walkabout and to meet residents ahead of the upcoming County Council Standard
Picture shws ontroversial UKIP leader Nigel Farage shows appearing to show his allegiance to Margaret Thatcher when hevisited Gainsborough town centre for a walkabout and to meet residents ahead of the upcoming County Council elections. Standard Picture shws ontroversial UKIP leader Nigel Farage shows appearing to show his allegiance to Margaret Thatcher when hevisited Gainsborough town centre for a walkabout and to meet residents ahead of the upcoming County Council elections.
Bassetlaw MP John Mann (Lab) has written to his party leader, Ed Milliband, stating unequivocally that 70% of his constituents want a referendum on the UK’s continued membership of the European Union.

Given that Mr Milliband has ruled out a referendum, Mr Clegg of the Liberal Democrats is firmly committed to our staying in the EU and that Mr Cameron of the Conservatives has promised a referendum in 2017 if, in the (very unlikely) event that the Conservatives form the next Government, is it not logical for all Bassetlaw voters to switch their voting allegiance to, and join, the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP), the only party who are wholly committed to the UK leaving the corrupt and dictatorial European Union?

Contact us: [email protected], or phone Dave Scott, our branch chairman on 07723778464 to enquire or join.

Roger Vernon

Branch Secretary

UKIP, Bassetlaw