Derbyshire: Police remind residents to be security conscious as summer approaches

Police in Derbyshire are reminding people to be security conscious as summer approaches.

The force is offering secutiry advice and tips as people are more tempted to leave their doors and windows open while enjoying the nicer weather.

Community safety inspector Russ Dakin, who covers Chesterfield, Bolsover, North East Derbyshire and the Amber Valley, said: “The number of house burglaries tends to rise during the summer months as opportunistic thieves take advantage of people who leave their homes insecure while in the garden or in another part of the house.”

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“We would like to remind people just to remember to keep their doors and windows closed and locked if they are outside, upstairs or even overnight. Reduce the opportunities for a thief to get into your home.”

Officers from the local Safer Neighbourhood policing teams will be holding crime prevention events.

During the summer months last year police area recorded 235 burglaries at homes in the area, around a 10 per cent reduction on those in the same period during 2011.

Insp Dakin added: “It is very pleasing to see that the number of victims of crime, and burglary, in the division has fallen over the past 10 years but prevention is so important in helping us to reduce these levels further.”

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