Heritage Open Days 2021 - All the buildings open in Worksop and Bassetlaw

The Worksop Priory Gatehouse will be among the buildings open as part of the Heritage Open Days 2021.The Worksop Priory Gatehouse will be among the buildings open as part of the Heritage Open Days 2021.
The Worksop Priory Gatehouse will be among the buildings open as part of the Heritage Open Days 2021.
Residents and visitors in Bassetlaw will have the opportunity to go behind the scenes at a some of the area’s iconic buildings this September, as part of the Heritage Open Days.

Heritage Open Days take place every September and see organisations and volunteers across the country organise events to celebrate the nation’s history and culture.

Worksop Library, Memorial Avenue, Worksop, S80 2BP

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Tom Simpson: Sporting Great - a talk by Chris Sidwells. Join Chris at this free talk to hear more about the incredible life and career of a true sporting great.

Local cycling legend Tom Simpson grew up in Harworth, North Notts but left in 1959 to pursue his career as a professional cyclist in Europe, winning races that no British cyclist has won since. Simpson’s story is one of ambition, talent, success and ultimately tragedy when he died while racing in the 1967 Tour de France. It’s a story recorded in full on the pages of Cycling Legends 01 Tom Simpson by author, journalist and broadcaster, Chris Sidwells (Simpson’s nephew).

Event Times

Wednesday September 15: 2pm.

Book by calling 01623 677 200, email [email protected] or visit www.inspireculture.org.uk

Worksop Priory Gatehouse, 1 Priory View, Worksop, S80 2JE

This historic 14th Century Gatehouse, with Wayside Shrine, alongside the 12th Century church, will be open for in person visits.

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The recently restored wayside Shrine is now open and used for regular worship here. Originally the Gatehouse also served as the accommodation for guests visiting the Augustinian Priory or passing through on their way to Lincoln , Nottingham, Doncaster a beyond. Guests could stay anonymously for three nights, which suited many! At the Dissolution the monastic school continued in there until it moved to a new build in 1990.

Event Times

Saturday September 11: 10am-4pm.Booking Details

No booking required

Max 6 people per tour/session. Walking tour takes 30 minutes.

Walks of Life Museum / From Field to Fork, Lincoln Road, Tuxford, Newark, Nottinghamshire, NG22 0HR

The Walks of Life Museum makes the link between the the production of food on the land and the food we eat at the dinner table.

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See farmers' tools on display in a real barn set within 6 acres of fields. Find out how we produce our foodstuffs then push handcarts to move agricultural produce from the fields and then onto milk prams and bakers carts bringing the finished product to households. See how modern food production still uses age-old processes and then explore some nutritious historic recipes. What do you eat if you are a horse jockey? Why do we pasteurise milk? What food was rationed in the war? Why is it better to buy locally? Finally, discover recipes from around the world from our amazing book collection from Africa and the Pacific islands.Event Times

Saturday September 11: 11am to 4pmSaturday September 18: 11am to 4pm

No booking required

Chesterfield Canal, Retford Little Theatre, Wharf Road, Retford, Nottinghamshire, DN22 6EN

Find out about the work of the Canal and River Trust through stalls, displays and historic work boat.Take a trip on the Seth Ellis.

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The Canal Basin and Town Lock are available for you to explore.The Chesterfield Canal is one of the most beautiful and varied waterways in England. It runs for 46 miles from the River Trent to Chesterfield.The ex- British Waterways workboat Python, built in 1929, will be on display on the canal near the Town Lock.There will be a stall next to the canal behind Retford Little Theatre.Trips on the Seth Ellis, from the Town Lock, every hour on the hour from 10 am until 4 pm. Each trip will last approx. 45 minutes. Please note: The cost of the trip is £5 each or £18 for family tickets including up to three children.Look out for the Chesterfield Canal Walking Festival, from the September 11-19.Event Times

Saturday September 11: Boat trips on the hour from 10-4pm

No booking required.

Denman Public Library -Inspire Libraries, Churchgate, Retford, DN22 6PF

The Denman Library will be open as usual on Saturday September 11, including the Local Studies Room and the Children's Library. During the following week there will be a Heritage Café (Tuesday 14) and talk on Tom Simpson: Sporting Great (Thursday 16)

The library is a rambling building with a mid-18th century extension facing the street. The original house dates from the early 18th century or late 17th century, but little now remains unaltered and it has been converted into a public library. An early 19th-century cast-iron balcony and a Venetian window in the second storey can be seen at the front.Drop into the library’s new local heritage area to explore items not usually on display including old Retford photos, historical maps and other hidden gems from the heritage collection. Staff will be on hand to show you what we have to help with local and family history researchVisit the library’s gallery to view “Retford Memories: Food & Drink” - an exhibition of photographs showing old pubs, eating places and more.Bring your own picnic to enjoy on the library’s new outside area (seating will be available on the outside decking)

Event Times

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Saturday September 11: 9am-3.30pm Retford Library Heritage Open DayTuesday September 14: 2-3pmThursday September 16: 7-8pm Talk on “Tom Simpson: Sporting Great” by local author Chris Sidwells.

Booking is preferred.

Goodwin Hall and Gardens, Chancery Lane, Retford, DN22 6DF

Goodwin Hall will be open 10am-1pm on September 11Refreshments will be available.

Goodwin Hall was built in collaboration with the then local authority - East Retford Borough Council - in 1963 from funds provided by Sir Stuart Goodwin, a successful Sheffield industrialist. It is run by a management ccommittee, representatives are from Bassetlaw District Council and other charitable bodies in Bassetlaw.Goodwin is fortunate to have the Green Flag status Kings Park as a back drop to the lounge area to the rear of the building.

Grove Street Methodist Church, Retford, DN22 6LB

Come and see the resplendently, restored and repainted Sanctuary ceiling. Then stay awhile for refreshments. The church foyer will be open throughout the day and refreshments will be on sale.

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The present building, the second on the site, was designed by Bellamy and Hardy of Lincoln, who also designed Retford Town Hall. It was opened in 1880 with seating for 900 people. There will be a small market in the Albert Hall at the back, which will have small local businesses related to food, such as Muddy Fork Honey and Your Life, Your Way promotions.

The church is open on September 11 from 10am-4pm.

Kings Park, Chancery Lane, Retford, DN22 6DF

Award-winning park in the heart of Retford. Formal gardens, water features, bowling green, tennis courts, rose garden, children's play area including a pirate themed splash park and the human sundial.

Located in the heart of Retford, Kings Park is often described as the 'jewel in the crown' of the Council's green spaces.Kings Park was opened on June 29 1938 to commemorate not only the reign of King George V but also the Coronation year of King George VI.The park has been awarded Green Flag status since 2008, and was voted Britain's 5th favourite Green Space/Park in 2013. A recent addition to the park is the performance area providing an ideal for a wide variety of community entertainment events in a beautiful outdoor amphitheatre setting.

Event times – September 10 -19 from 8am-8pm.

St. Swithun’s Church, Cannon Square, Retford, DN22 6PJ

Announcing the start of Heritage Open Days in Retford the church bells will ring at 10am on September 11. Experience centuries of history in this focal point of faith along with a cup of tean..

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The church is a splendid building built on a cruciform plan with a central tower. The oldest part of the church is the Lady Chapel; the central pillar and its two arches belong to the 14th century, with the rest of the church dating to the 15th century. The central tower collapsed in a storm in 1651 destroying much of the Chancel and South Transept but was rebuilt in 1658. The church contains some impressive 19th and 20th century stained glass windows by O'Conner, Clayton and Bell and Kempe.The annual Nottinghamshire Historic Churches 'Ride and Stride' will be visiting the church during the day. For this year only, there is a photography competition. Take a picture of the churches as you cycle around.New guidebooks will be available. There is also a wonderful booklet of photographs of the stained glass windows with a commentary by Dick Lewis. The railings around the church will also be adorned with fantastic works of art created by local artists.

Event Times

Saturday September 11: 10am-5pm.

St.Michael’s Church, Rectory Road, Retford, DN22 7AY

St Michael's Church is distinguished by its 14th century crocketed spire and south porch with its groined roof. The church contains beautiful stained glass windows.

The church will be open and refreshments will be available.The church will also be welcoming the 'Ride and Stride' participants.

Event Times

Saturday September 11: 10am-4pm.

The Majestic Theatre, Coronation Street, Retford, DN22 6DXThe Majestic Theatre will be open for free guided tours between 10am and 2pm on September 11, of both front of house and backstage.

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The Majestic Theatre was built in 1927 and has many times escaped demolition. From the boom times of the 30s and 40s to the desperate times of the 70s, the Majestic has flourished then declined, only to be saved by a dedicated group of theatre lovers. With sheer hard work and determination, the Majestic has not only survived its chequered past, but is now lovingly restored and renovated to its original splendour.The tours will take place between 10am and 2pm and will be limited to 15 people at a time. Whilst you will be able to turn up on the day and enjoy a theatre tour, you can also book your place in advance by calling the box office on 01777 706866. There will also be a display of photographs showing restoration work at the theatre over the years.The box office will be open to book show tickets.

The Masonic Hall, Carolgate Bridge, Retford, DN22 6AR

The Masonic Hall is housed in a former cinema originally called The Regent, which was later renamed The Ritz. The function room has been recently redecorated in the Art Deco style in keeping with the age of the building.

In 1962 the building was offered for sale and was purchased by the Vernon Masonic Lodge for £2,300, and internal alterations were made. Over the years a further two Lodges were formed.A ceremonial table will be set up, demonstrating the banquets held by the Lodge.Throughout the day, stewards will be available to answer questions, and there will be tours of the Lodge Room.

Event Times

Saturday September 11: Tours 10am, 11am, 12pm, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm and 4pm.

Maximum of 10 people per tour.