Worksop Mum's fears over parking near hospital

Cars parked along Wingfield Avenue, Worksop are causing problems for cars pulling out of Primrose Way, pictured is Victoria Cristofis and Daughter Chanel Cristofis, 12Cars parked along Wingfield Avenue, Worksop are causing problems for cars pulling out of Primrose Way, pictured is Victoria Cristofis and Daughter Chanel Cristofis, 12
Cars parked along Wingfield Avenue, Worksop are causing problems for cars pulling out of Primrose Way, pictured is Victoria Cristofis and Daughter Chanel Cristofis, 12
A mum is demanding urgent action after a number of 'near misses' on 'dangerous' roads near to her Worksop home.

Victoria Cristofis said she fears it will take a serious accident before something is done to sort out the problem on three streets near Bassetlaw Hospital.

The 32-year-old said parked vehicles on Primrose Way, Blyth Road and Wingfield Avenue are “major obstructions” which cause drivers to “pull out blind”.

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She said: “I have had a lot of near misses. You are basically pulling out blind trying to edge your way out as your view down the road is blocked by parked cars.”

The Primrose Way resident said the roads were “terrible to drive down” and that the streets are so narrow that wing mirrors of parked cars were often left hanging off after being hit by passing traffic.

Victoria said she believed a “large majority” of the parked cars were from staff or patients at the hospital on Kilton Hill.

She said: “It’s a disgrace and something needs to be done. I can understand the financial reasons the staff choose to park there, but from a health and safety side of things this is a high danger.

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“My concerns are if nothing is put in place soon, something serious could happen.”

Doncaster and Bassetlaw Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, which operates the hospital, said it offers discounted parking permits to staff, and that parking charges go to the hospital.

Dr Kirsty Edmondson Jones, from the trust, said: “This is a matter we take seriously.

“It is important our employees are able to get to work safely in order to deliver the best possible care.

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“We regularly ask our team to carefully consider where they park. We will direct even more attention to this in the coming days.”

Peter Goode, Nottinghamshire County Council traffic manager, said: “Last year we extended the yellow lines in this area to prohibit parking where it affected visibility for other road users.

“We appreciate commuter parking associated with the hospital does have an impact on nearby streets and in 2017 we introduced some additional waiting restrictions to remove parking at some critical locations.

“That said, we know that in seeking to manage all parking through further restrictions, may simply move the problem elsewhere.

“We will review the parking practices in the area and consider whether further measures are appropriate.”