Stroke victim Sarah is taking on the Step Out challenge

Sarah BrownSarah Brown
Sarah Brown
A Gainsborough stroke victim is pulling on her walking boots to take part in the Stroke Association's Step Out for Stroke Walk.

Sarah Brown, 45 from Gainsborough, had a stroke in January 2014.

Sarah spent seven weeks in hospital and has been left with weakness on her right side, as well as communication difficulties.

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Throughout her recovery, Sarah has been determined to improve and attends several Stroke Association groups including the charity’s communication support, peer support group and singing group.

Sarah said: “I’ve met many different people through the Stroke Association groups which has helped me improve my speech and increased my confidence.

“This will be my third Step Out for Stroke event and each year I’ve challenged myself to go faster and further. The Step Out event helps people to be strong and persevere.”

The Stroke Association is hosting a Step out for Stroke walk at Central Park, Scunthorpe at 11am on Sunday, May 14.

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This family fundraising event is open to everyone, regardless of age or ability and the charity is calling on people to register now and take part alongside local stroke survivors and their families.

The day will include lots of family-friendly activities including crafts for children, cake sale, Winterton Lions Refreshment van, a tombola and games.

Louise Knight, Community and Events Fundraising Manager at the Stroke Association, said: “We’re inviting the whole community to come to this fun day out and help us make it an event to remember.

“Our Step Out for Stroke events mark a milestone for many stroke survivors taking part, and it’s an event that the whole family will enjoy.

“We’re looking forward to seeing some truly inspirational people who will be taking their first steps since their stroke and everyone taking part will be joined by hundreds of people across the UK.”

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