Community rallies to help Langold dog lover pay £4,000 vet bill

Paul Hughes with his dog Seth.Paul Hughes with his dog Seth.
Paul Hughes with his dog Seth.
Kind-hearted residents have rallied together to help a Langold man with mental health problems pay his £4,000 vet bill.

Paul Hughes, who suffers with issues including acute anxiety and depression, is known as the ‘Dog Man’ in Langold as he only leaves the house to take his dog for a walk.

When Paul’s pet Seth fell into a ditch and broke his leg in two places, he was told he would have to fork out £4,000 for an operation.

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Manager of Retford Ghost Hunters and Paul’s former wife Rachel Parsons decided to set up a fundraising page on social media to try and help him get the funds he needs.

She said: “With Paul being on benefits, he is struggling as you can imagine.

"We set up a funding page and the response has been amazing.”

So far, the page has seen more than 75 people donate more than £900.

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Rachel added: “Paul is blown away and so grateful for all the support and help.

“He is a well known character of the village and known to be always with his dogs, which have helped him through times of total loss and darkness.

"We want to thank folk and see if we can continue to raise the full amount.”

Paul also struggles with agoraphobia, which sees sufferers experiencing symptoms of anxiety in situations where they perceive their environment to be unsafe with no easy way to escape.

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Simply being outside his home can make Paul feel as though he is out of his comfort zone.

He said: “My dogs are my life and it’s my dogs that have saved me many times from falling into the darkest areas.

"Seth fell down a hole and broke his leg, which has resulted in a huge bill for an operation.“I am asking for help.

"Be it £1 or any help what so ever.”

Seth, who is a saluki breed, has now had his operation and is recovering well.

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Rachel added: “The operation went well… little infection in two of his toes but recovering.

"Thank you again to everyone that’s helping.”

To help Paul pay his vet bill, you can make a donation at