Come and meet some of the Worksop Guardian team

Worksop Guardian editor Sam JacksonWorksop Guardian editor Sam Jackson
Worksop Guardian editor Sam Jackson
The Worksop Guardian has been at the heart of your community for decades.

We pride ourselves on being a paper that covers the stories and fights for the issues that impact our readers.

We celebrate the wonderful people and events happening in our communities and hold those in power to account.

It has always been your paper and will continue to be.

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We know many have called for us to have an office back in the town again, but unfortunately this is not possible at the moment.

But our team is always keen to get out and about in the community.

On Monday, some members of the team will be in Worksop Library to meet with readers.

We are keen to hear your views on the paper and website, what you like and what you think could be improved.

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Of course, if you have a story to tell then please drop by too.

Guardian editor Sam Jackson said: “I’m really looking forward to our community event in Worksop Library.

“Covid restrictions have meant that the new team has not been able to get out as much as we’d have liked since we took over earlier this year and speak face-to-face with our readers.

“I’m keen to speak to as many people as possible on the issues they would like to see covered in the paper, what they would like to see more – or less of – and what we could do better.”

The team will be at the library on Monday October 4 from 10am to 2pm.

If you are unable to come along then we’d still love to hear from you by emailing [email protected]

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