King Henry VIII is returning to Gainsborough Old Hall

King Henry VIII visits Gainsborough Old Hall on Sunday June 11.King Henry VIII visits Gainsborough Old Hall on Sunday June 11.
King Henry VIII visits Gainsborough Old Hall on Sunday June 11.
King Henry VIII will be holding court once more on August 18, at Gainsborough Old Hall as the notorious monarch talks about his exciting and unusual life.

Visitors will be treated to an audience with the main man himself hearing about his life, and his six wives, with a chance to ask questions and find out what it really takes to be king.

Learn how to greet King Henry and petition him to see whether you will be granted royal pardon or privilege and survive the dreaded chop.

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Victoria Mason Hines, visitor experience manager at Gainsborough Old Hall, said: “This is a special chance for visitors to see one of history’s most famous figures here at the Old Hall. King Henry VIII has very special links to Gainsborough having visited with his fifth wife, Catherine Howard in 1541.

“While they’re here, visitors will also be able to catch the must-see exhibition of Tudor costumes, from the BBC’s critically acclaimed Wolf Hall, which shall be leaving us at the end of August, so don’t miss out.”

Meet King Henry between 11am and 4pm in the Great Hall. Entry included in the Gainsborough Old Hall admission fee.

Entry to Gainsborough Old Hall is £8.50 for adults, £6.70 for concessions, £4.20 for children aged five to 17-years-old. A family ticket is available at £21.20. Under fives go free.