Gainsborough: Young man who was at Mount Everest when the earthquake hit Nepal has been in contact again with his parents

Jack YoungJack Young
Jack Young
The young Gainsborough man who was at Mount Everest’s base camp when the earthquake hit Nepal has been in touch with his parents again to keep them updated.

Jack Young, 21, from Gainsborough, has been trekking in Nepal when the 7.8 earthquake hit causing severe avalanches on Mount Everest.

Jack was one of very few who were able to make contact with home and managed to send a text to his dad, Coun Trevor Young, letting him know he was safe.

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Since that initial contact Jack has been able to make further contact via text messages and the off phone call.

Trevor said: “Contact with Jack has been limited because of the loss of electricity and the Internet.”

“However he did manage to phone me briefly through a landline.”

“He is still in Namche, high up on Everest.”

“They had to leave their tents due to safety issues and he is now in a single room with a load of Canadian guys.”

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“They have been advised to stay in Namche as the routes out are all blocked.”

“One of the Canadian’s is quite poorly and they are trying to get him airlifted out.”

“When speaking Jack appeared to not be aware of the severity of the situation.”

“He expects to be in Namche for another week at least.”