Gainsborough school girl is donating her long hair to be made into wigs for girls who have lost their hair

Kayleigh DuroseKayleigh Durose
Kayleigh Durose
A young Gainsborough school girl wants to help more girls feel like a princess by donating her long hair to the Little Princess Trust.

Kayleigh Durose, 11, has had long hair since she was little and as she is about to start her new journey into secondary school at Queen Elizabeth’s High School she has made the brave decision to have all her hair chopped off.

Kayleigh’s mum, Rachel, said: “Ever since she was little she has loved her long hair.

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“Last year one of the youth leaders at her Performing Arts Club took part in the Brave The Shave and she said she could never do that.

“Now she feels that as she’s older she could bring another girl the same happiness that her ‘princess’ hair has always brought her.

“She always wanted to be Rapunzul.

“My girls love having their hair put in pretty plaits and twists and bows.

“Now Kayleigh hopes to make another girl feel like a princess again after the trauma of having lost theirs and the sadness that must bring.

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“The Little Princess Trust make wigs for free for children who have lost theirs through cancer or other illnesses.

“She decided to donate any money raised to the Make a Wish Foundation again to try and bring some joy to a child with a chronic illness.

“We have always been lucky in health and it must be desperately hard for everyone to have a child fall ill.

“She hopes that she can make a wish come true.”

Kayleigh made a video to explain why she was cutting her hair and she says she will be having 40cm cut which will mean her long hair will end up around her shoulders.

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Kayleigh said: “I always wanted long hair but now that I’m going to high school I don’t feel like I need it anymore but I feel like a little kid would benefit from it.

“I am trying to raise £500 and all that money will go to the Make a Wish Foundation.”

When asked how she felt about having her hair cut she said she felt quite confident but also quite nervous and excited.

If you would like to support Kayleigh and make a donation to the Make a Wish Foundation visit

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The Little Princess Trust give away free real hair wigs to children that have lost their own hair through cancer treatment or other illnesses.

In addition to this, in partnership with CCLG (Children’s Cancer and Leukaemia Group) it also funds research into childhood cancers.

For more information about the Little Princess Trust visit