Gainsborough: MP urges for Government to intervene in the Hemswell Cliff wind farm for a second time

Proposed site for a wind farm near Hemswell Cliff G120710-1cProposed site for a wind farm near Hemswell Cliff G120710-1c
Proposed site for a wind farm near Hemswell Cliff G120710-1c
Gainsborough MP, Sir Edward Leigh, has urged for the Government to intervene in the Hemswell Cliff wind farm for a second time now that a planning appeal has been submitted.

Sir Edward first wrote to Eric Pickles at the end of March urging the Secretary of State to intevene to ‘ensure that the wishes of local residents are heeded, that the very fair decision of the planning committee of West Lindsey District Council is upheld, and that the principles of localism are respected.’

RWE have now submitted an appeal with a revised plan with now eight turbines being proposed for the siteand a final decision on the proposals will be made by the Planning Inspectorate.

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Sir Edward Leigh said: “Things are heating up regarding the Hemswell Cliff wind farm appeal.”

“As you are probably aware, West Lindsey District Council very sensibly refused the planning application for a wind farm owing to the very broad and deep-seated opposition which local residents and others expressed.”

“RWE have now launched an appeal seeking to have the decision overturned.”

“I have written to Eric Pickles, the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, outlining our concerns over the wind farm, pointing out its adverse effect on the local environment, the threat to historical sites nearby, and the high potential of damage to as yet unexcavated archaeological remains.”

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“I also pointed out the potential impact on air traffic control, given the proximity of RAF bases and Robin Hood Airport.”

“Most of all, it is vital that decisions on planning permission for projects of such a high impact be made by local district councils and in alignment with the feeling of local people.”

“I know Eric is very keen to ensure that local decision-making remains the ordinary practice, and that double-guessing local planning decisions will be the extraordinary exception, not the rule.”

Following the submission of the appeal Sir Edward Leigh has again written to Eric Pickles and outlined the specific objections to the plans and in his letter he states: “The application to build a wind farm on Hemswell Cliff has been vigorously opposed by every layer of representational Government since the application was first presented over two years ago. It has been opposed by myself as the local Member of Parliament, as well as being opposed by the County Council, the District Council, by all affected Parish Councils, and by all local Councillors.”

“I do think this is worthy of your specific consideration and I do hope you will ensure that the overwhelming wishes of local people will be respected.”