Gainsborough: Last chance for your business to enter the DN21 awards

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Businesses within the DN21 post code area have got only just over a week to get their applications in to win one of the 10 prestigious awards.

Arrangements for the night are well underway with BBC Lincolnshirw breakfast hosts, Carla and George hosting and after dinner entertainment from BBC TV’s Rosemary Hawthorn aka ‘the knicker lady’.

Table bookings are starting to come in, however the judges are keen to see more application forms from businesses.

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The awards are free to enter and a simple written application is all that is required.

Deadline for entries is Monday 11th May.

There are categories suited to both retail and commercial businesses including the ‘Shining Star’ award which has just been proudly sponsored by Blue Chip Company EDF Energy.

Centre Manager for Marshall’s Yard and one of the partners for coordinating the event, Alison Hall, said: “We’re pleased with the level of entries we’ve had so far but still keen to receive more.”

“We’d like to see a wide range of businesses apply for one of the awards as we’ve been careful to create a category to suit everyone however large or small the business.”

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Application forms for the awards, along with the criteria and terms and conditions can all be downloaded via the website,

Booking forms for the night are also now available on the website and tables of 10 can be booked or individual places at £15 per person which includes a three course meal.

The DN21 Awards are being held for the first time on Thursday 4th June due to a partnership formed between Marshall’s Yard and Trinity Football Club aiming to celebrate excellence within local businesses.

Chairman of Trinity Football Club, Richard Kane, said: “There’s been a great response from local business people for this event.”

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“Marshall’s Yard and the town are really coming together for the DN21 Awards and we hope this builds further on the partnership working various organisations, including the Club, are trying to build on to put Gainsborough on the map.”