Former Queen Elizabeth's High School students wanted to help inspire the next generation

Queen Elizabeth's High SchoolQueen Elizabeth's High School
Queen Elizabeth's High School
A Gainsborough secondary school is seeking former students who can inspire and motivate the current generation to academic success and career confidence.

Queen Elizabeth’s High School (QEHS) in Morton Terrace is one of nearly 400 state schools across Britain which have registered with the education charity Future First to set up networks of former students or alumni whose talents they can harness to support today’s students.

Future First’s vision is that every state school or college should be supported by a thriving, engaged alumni community that helps it to do more for its students.

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The school is keen to contact former students who left recently for further education as well as those in established careers, alumni who live nearby and those who have moved away.

Alex Shapland-Howes, Managing Director of Future First, said: “More than 39 per cent of state school students don’t know anyone in a job they’d like to do.

“If they see that someone who went to the same school, grew up in the same community, has achieved a fulfilling and satisfying job, it helps them see it’s possible for them too. It’s really important for all students to be motivated to succeed in the working world and hearing first hand from relatable people in interesting jobs can make a huge difference.

Headteacher at QEHS, David Allsop, said: “It is always great to hear from our former students to see where their lives have taken them since leaving QEHS.”

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Former students can also sign up to Future First’s alumni scheme via the website and clicking on the “Former Students” links. Schools wishing to register with Future First should click the “Schools and Colleges staff” link.