Council tax-dodging Retford landlord with nearly £124,000 in bank fined

Nottingham Magistrates Court.Nottingham Magistrates Court.
Nottingham Magistrates Court.
A Retford property owner with nearly £124,000 in the bank pleaded poverty to avoid paying council tax.

Manju Prince, 44, lied to Bassetlaw District Council about her finances - keeping two rental properties and her ample savings a secret to claim council tax relief and council tax reduction.

The benefits are means-tested discounts to help people on a low income however as part of Prince’s false claims she signed declaration forms stating she had no savings or income from other properties.

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The council’s solicitor told Nottingham Magistrates’ Court Prince - who claimed her wealth was being used to repay a substantial family debt - had embarked on a sophisticated and planned attempt to commit fraud to fund a ‘lavish’ lifestyle.

Evidence showed at the time of the claims Prince and her husband Ian Prince had 19 bank accounts with a balance of £123,593.63.

The council also produced Land Registry documents showing Prince owned two rental properties which were tenanted and paying rent into accounts under her own name.

Councillor Kevin Dukes, cabinet member for corporate services, said: “Mrs Prince knowingly and willfully provided the council with false statements and information in an attempt to reduce her council tax bill.

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“Council Tax Reduction is provided to families and individuals who are most in need and are on low incomes.

“This fund is limited and by making a false claim Ms Prince could have deprived a family or individual who are genuinely in need of an essential discount.

“Let this be a clear message to anyone who is considering or currently committing fraud against the council - we will investigate you and we will take action.”

In her defence Prince claimed to be suffering from anxiety and depression after leaving a well-paid job to care for her husband - who had suffered a brain injury.

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Prince - who admitted two false council tax reduction claims and a false application for council tax relief between March 2017 and October 2018 - was jailed for 40 weeks suspended for 18 months.

She was also made to pay prosecution costs of £9,250.19 and a £115 victim surcharge.