7 reasons you need a professional to repair your home appliances

Go Assist also offers a ‘no fix, no fee promise for it’s fixed price repair options.Go Assist also offers a ‘no fix, no fee promise for it’s fixed price repair options.
Go Assist also offers a ‘no fix, no fee promise for it’s fixed price repair options.
Most of us rely on home appliances like washing machines and dishwashers every day.And when they go wrong, they need to be fixed quickly.

If your washing machine has ever flooded your kitchen or your fridge has stopped working while you were away for the weekend you know just how frustrating it can be.

You might be tempted to try to fix the problem yourself, simply give up and buy a replacement or even be worried about being ripped off by an unreliable engineer.

While you can troubleshoot some minor issues yourself, for major repairs it is always best to use a qualified professional.

Not only is this safer, but it can often be cheaper than paying out for a replacement as well as less damaging to the environment.

To check this, get a fixed-price repair quote and compare it to the cost of a replacement machine.

If you decide to opt for repair here are 7 reasons to use a professional and what to look out for:

1. It can be cheaper in the long run

While fixing something yourself might seem like a money-saver, DIY fixes are often short-term.

If after a few weeks the problem has returned you will end up having to call out a professional.

If your quick fix has made the problem worse, it could end up costing you more than if you had paid a professional in the first place and the best engineers give you a 90 day labour and parts guarantee.

2. Electrical safety

Household appliances like washing machines, tumble dryers, fridge freezers and cooking equipment all use an electrical supply. Professionals know how to safely manage this risk.

3. They are the experts

Specialist knowledge means the professionals can often get the job done quickly and efficiently.They will also have the correct tools for the job.

Remember your time is worthwhile – if you have to take two days off work to try to figure out the problem is it worth the saving?

4. You can never cut corners with gas

Last year Gas Safe launched an awareness campaign, Don’t Cut Corners With Gas.

Featuring dad Jack Corner the message was simple – you might be able to cut corners with some things but never with gas.

If there is a problem with a gas appliance any repairs should be carried out by a Gas Safe registered engineer.

5. Professional repairs are covered by a warranty

A huge bonus of getting a professional to fix your appliance is that work can be covered by a warranty.

That means, if the problem persists or a replacement part is faulty they have to come back and fix it without charging you extra within a set period of time.

Always check whether your engineer has a warranty policy and the length of time it covers.

6. You won’t void your appliance warranty

It might be that your appliance is still covered by the manufacturer’s warranty when a problem occurs.

If that is the case then attempting to fix the problem yourself can damage the warranty leaving you vulnerable to greater costs.

Licensed repairs from a manufacturer approved engineer protect the warranty.

7. You know it is safe to use

At the end of the day, using a professional to repair household appliances can give you peace of mind that you and your family are safe.

Finding a trusted repair service

Go Assist, a national appliance and boiler repair company, was created to offer trustworthy fixed-price repairs without the hidden charges as well as labour only options.

“We take pride in offering competitively-priced fixed price repairs for a wide variety of appliances and boilers all over the UK,” says founder Richard Waters.

“Because of this and our online customer service centre more and more people are trusting us with their repairs.

“We pride ourselves on providing an excellent customer experience by communicating well from the get-go.”

Whether you're looking to repair a Bosch fridge, a Hotpoint dishwasher or a gas boiler, you can rest assured Go Assist has the best engineers for you at the right price.

The process is easy – simply fill out an online form, an engineer will attend at your convenience and your repair will be covered by parts and labour guarantee for up to a year.

Go Assist also offers a ‘no fix, no fee promise for it’s fixed price repair options.

That means on the rare occasion when your appliance can’t be fixed you won’t be charged, subject to terms and conditions.

For more information and to book your repair visit go-assist.co.uk