UK workers aren't as accepting of gender neutral bathrooms as these other major countries

Four in 10 UK workers do not want their employer to introduce gender neutral bathrooms – far below levels of acceptance in other countries.

A comprehensive survey of 10,000 employees from 10 different countries including the UK, USA, Mexico, France and the Netherlands found 34 per cent of American companies already have the measure in place.

More than a quarter (27 per cent) of Italian respondents, meanwhile, do not have this facility but would like to see it brought in.

A further 40 per cent of employees in the United Kingdom aren’t sure if their company has an ‘inclusion council’, and nearly a quarter (23 per cent) do not want to see gender-neutral language encouraged.

This is overshadowed by Mexican and American companies, where four in 10 already work somewhere that encourages the use of neutral pronouns.

The research was commissioned by global hygiene and health company Essity, whose spokesperson said: “Our results found the UK is perhaps a little behind other nations when it comes to being open-minded.

“It doesn’t necessarily have to mean one or the other. Where space allows, businesses can provide male and female bathrooms while also offering a gender-neutral option.

“Ultimately the goal should be to show more understanding and tolerance towards your colleagues and visitors without making anybody feel uncomfortable.”

Nearly a fifth (18 per cent) of respondents from the UK workforce says their company does not offer transition-related care for transgender employees – and they don’t want them to start.

Another 20 per cent would not like to see their employer targeting recruitment towards minority groups.

And just under a quarter (23 per cent) would even be disappointed to see their work canteen offering a variety of foods for all preferences and cultures.

Just seven per cent of businesses have non-specific gender signs designating their bathrooms.

And only one in 10 proactively recruits from under-represented groups, according to the data.

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