Gainsborough: A grant of £5,000 will help improve domestic abuse services

West Lincolnshire Domestic Abuse Service (WLDAS) has received £5,000 to fund a new digital centre for people affected by domestic abuse in Lincolnshire.

The donation was provided by the Santander Foundation which offers grants to UK registered charities for projects that help disadvantaged people in local communities.

WLDAS provides support and assistance to men, women and children suffering, or fleeing from domestic abuse.

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The grant will enable the organisation to purchase furniture, electrical equipment and computers to create a digital snug to help clients access the necessary help and support as well as interact with the relevant Government agencies.

Karen Burgess, Children and Family Support Worker at WLDAS said: “With this very generous grant we will be able to provide a much needed new resource for our service users.”

“The donation will allow us to create a dedicated snug with computer and internet access.”

“We are very grateful to the Santander Foundation.”

Haley Sayles, Branch Manager at Santander’s Gainsborough branch said: “The Santander Foundation makes hundreds of donations every year to good causes throughout the UK.”

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“Our branch is committed to playing a key part in the community and we are delighted to be supporting West Lincolnshire Domestic Abuse Service and hope the donation makes a real difference to local people.”

Their Outreach Support service assists women, men and children who are still living in, or have recently left, an abusive relationship that require advice and support.

They offer one to one sessions in order to empower women, men and children to live an independent, positive life which is free from abuse.

They can meet individuals in their own home at a safe time, at a nearby place which they have agreed is safe or women and men can also call into the drop in centre in Lord Street, Gainsborough to gain confidential advice and support.

If you would like to find out more about this support, call 01427 616219 and for more about WLDAS visit