Look back at these great retro pictures and see who you can spot serving the community.
5. Saying farewell
7th St Anne's Brownies said farewell to their Tawny Owl Janis Barthorpe in 2012 Photo: Submitted
6. Diamond Jubilee party
Worksop and Mansfield divisions of the Guides, Brownies and Rainbows gather for a giant Diamond Jubilee party at the Lady Margaret Hall in 2012. Included in the picture is County Commissioner Kate Royse and County President Anne Allery Photo: Mark Fear
7. Say it with flowers
Rainbows, Brownies and Guides from Worksop thank the council for planting flowers in the shape of a trefoil outside Priory Church back in 2010. Photo: Rachel Atkins
8. Queen's Guide Award
Kim Brereton, 19, received the Queen's Guide Award for her achievements as a Brownie/Guide Leader in 2009. Kim, currently working as a Assistant Guider, 2nd Carlton-in-Lindrick Brownies, is only the 4th person to gain this award in the Worksop Division in 23 years.Picture: Kim Brereton, 19 with some of her Brownies. Photo: Mark Fear