Retford: Climb aboard the Deadwood Stage with Calamity Jane

Retford Amateur Operatic Society are presenting Calamity Jane at the Majestic Theatre next weekRetford Amateur Operatic Society are presenting Calamity Jane at the Majestic Theatre next week
Retford Amateur Operatic Society are presenting Calamity Jane at the Majestic Theatre next week
Retford Amateur Operatic Society return to the Majestic Theatre next week with their rendition of the lively, sharpshooting western musical Calamity Jane.

Calamity Jane can outrun and outshoot any man in Deadwood.

Hard, boastful and desperate to impress, she travels to Chicago on the Deadwood Stage to recruit a star, Adelaid Adams.

But things don’t go too smoothly for Calamity, as everyone favours the new girl.

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It takes her long standing rival Wild Bill Hickok to make her see sense, and realise her Secret Love

With a score that includes The Black Hills of Dakota, The Deadwood Stage, Just Blew in from the Windy City and Secret Love, Calamity Jane is on from next Wednesday to Saturday (6th-9th May) at 7.30pm each night plus a Saturday matinee at 2.30pm.

Tickets are available now on 01777 706866 or at

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