Bloomin' marvellous stuff from Welbeck WI

Welbeck WI members tried their hands at flower arranging with spectacular resultsWelbeck WI members tried their hands at flower arranging with spectacular results
Welbeck WI members tried their hands at flower arranging with spectacular results
It was blooms galore at Welbeck WI this month as the ladies turned their hands to flower arranging.

Lead by expert florist Julie Woodhams from Kiveton-based First 4 Flowers the group saw a demonstration of how to compose an autumnal flower arrangement before trying it out for themselves.

Vicky Marks, media secretary for the group, commented: “More than half of the ladies had never arranged flowers before and there were some spectacular displays created.”

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Pictures were taken of all the display created on the night and they have now been posted on the group’s Facebook page for everyone to see.

Vicky continued: “There has been a lot going on behind the scenes of Welbeck WI over the last few months with the committee securing funding for various grants to enrich the facilities of Lady Margaret Hall.

“We have also been included in the Tesco Bags of Help community fundraising initiative.

“Shoppers in the Clowne branch of Tesco will be able to vote as to which of the nominated three local community groups will receive a grant worth up to £4000.

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“If you are shopping in the Clowne branch please vote for us.”

Welbeck WI is a diverse group of 120 members with ages ranging from 20 to 80.

They meet on the first Thursday of the month at Lady Margaret Hall on the Welbeck estate and have a varied and exciting plan of activities and talks.

Vicky said: “Due to the popularity of the group at present, we are currently unable to take new members as they are at full capacity.

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“But, we can sometimes offer places to visitors on their waiting list.”

To be added to the waiting list and for information about visitor cost, email [email protected]

The group’s next meeting will be on Thursday, October 5 when they will be joined by expert jam-maker and author Lindy Wildsmith who will teach members how to make an tasty, seasonal jam.